Open Studio 2015
OCTOBER 3rd and 4th 2015. 11.00 a.m-17.00 p.m PROSPECT STUDIOS 137-141 BURNLEY RD EAST, WATERFOOT. BB4 9DF tel : 07757186327
Alan Birch will be showing his collection of Later Day Saints, fresh form their appearance at The John Rylands Library in Manchester. The 20 saints shown at the Library at joined by 18 new prints with another 10 hopefully engraved by the show. Come and join the congregation, pay homage and make your own suggestions.! T shirts, books, postcards will be available. St Selfie Stick will join St Selfie at the studio. Also showing at Prospect Studio will be Liam Spencer and Jill Randall . Other studios, galleries, theatres and arts foundations in the Valley will be free to visit over the weekend, with over 40 artists taking part. Pick up a map, brochure and leaflet at your first venue, and enjoy your day. Most studios are on the 464 bus route.
All work is for sale.
Visit the studios, the Boo, take a steam train, visit the Whittaker museum or enjoy a pint at Buffer Stops or a blood tonic at the Temperance bar ( on Saturday )For more information contact alan on 07757186327. or or email on

St Trampolini . Later- day Saints. Alan Birch.

St Selfie Stick