Coffee, Cake and Culture

Alan Birch Worked with the Coffee, Cake And Culture group at The Whitworth in Manchester, producing colourful and vibrant  relief prints and monoprints.  Participants worked from the wallpaper exhibition currently on display.The sessions  are aimed at making culture accessible for anyone living with a physical or mental health need, and their families  and support systems.

Health and wellbeing

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.

Coffee cake and culture session with Alan Birch at the Whitworth.