Wellacre Academy Print!
Year 10 students from Wellacre Academy in Irlam , explored the world of print with artist Alan Birch in July. Students enhanced their drawing skills , producing a series of intaglio and relief prints. Using the theme of natural forms for their work,students engraved their own plates which they later printed. The prints strengthened their excellent drawing skills.

Drypoint combining Japanese woodcut and birds

Chine Colle print of turtle

relief print of turtle

Intaglio print

Chine Colle print with Alan Birch
Thanks for such a great day with our lads, they thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. you were very calm and patient with them and they responded well to your approach and as a result of this they worked really well on the day. I do hope we can see more of you in the future and please let us know of any exhibitions or events that we may enjoy.
Claire Niebel
KS4 Learning Director, Wellacre Academy