Ramsbottom Relief prints

Alan Birch ran a relief printing course for Bury Adult Education at Ramsbottom Library. The artists , many who had not printed for many years if at all , produced some excellent work. Hopefully other workshops will take place in the summer term. Watch out for details.

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Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #prospect studio #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art #prinmaking in lancashire.

Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #prospect studio #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art #prinmaking in lancashire.

Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #prospect studio #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art #prinmaking in lancashire.

Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #prospect studio #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art #prinmaking in lancashire.

Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.

Relief printing at Ramsbottom library with Alan Birch.