New prints at Prospect.

Artists have been busy for the past few months preparing prints for an exhibition at Bury Art Gallery in May. Many artists have been exhibiting their work in numerous venues. Hopefully Peter Cave will be showing in Germany, Cate Ferns showing as part of Green Walk in Whalley Range, Mark Whyatt showing work as part of his Masters Course at MMU  and Jill Randall showing in the Venice Biennale.

#printmaking #prospect studio  #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art

ruth bradshaw etching and aquatint.

peter cave collograph print.

#printmaking #prospect studio  #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art

mark whyatt etching and aquatint and collage.

#printmaking #prospect studio  #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art

jim murray intaglio and relief

#printmaking #prospect studio  #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art

gary thomas relief print.

#printmaking #prospect studio  #workshops.#printmaking #rossendale. #art

Cate Fernd etching of bees.