
Open House Prints.

Members of the Hand made group, who meet regularly at The Whitworth , worked with printmaker Alan Birch to create prints based on the the wallpapers from the Open House exhibition. The exhibition which features wallpapers from the last 50 years, shows how wallpaper can trigger memories and feelings. Artists brought in wallpapers from home […]

Handmade prints

Members of the Handmade group (who meet regularly at the Whitworth and on Zoom! ) worked with artists Alan Birch, developing their work into print. The textile exhibition was used to base a series of engravings on whilst the wallpaper exhibition inspired a series of reduction lino prints. The group meets on a Friday afternoon. […]

Pop Art Printing.

Year 5 pupils from Brandwood Community Primary School in Bolton, were inspired by the work of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein to produce some excellent engravings and relief prints. Using metallic card for their engravings, wallpaper for relief prints and words made from wooden letters, the pupils worked diligently to develop ideas. Some excellent works […]

New prints from Prospect Studios

Printers have been busy in May printing new works at Prospect Studio. Recent fine art graduate Jasper Howard has been working on mono prints.Maria Murtagh has been developing her life drawings into a series of mono prints. Caroline Johnson has been collecting discarded drink cans and surface printing them with collage. Other works have seen […]

Amazonian prints

Year 4 pupils from Leyland Primary School, spent an enjoyable and creative day with printmaker Alan Birch. Amazonian creatures formed the basis for their drawings which were later transformed into engravings and printed using Alan’s portable press. Pupils used water based inks and enjoyed cleaning the ink off their plates and turning the wheel of […]

GCSE printmaking

Year 11 pupils from Wellington School in Timperley spent 2 days immersed in the world of printmaking. Pupils threw themselves into the process producing over 500 prints on the theme of seaside and insects. A diverse range of techniques was explored; engraving, chine college, relief printing. mono printing and mixed media prints. The pupils demonstrated […]

Sacred Heart prints

Year 2 pupils from Sacred Heart RC Primary School explored the world of relief printing , looking at the work of Orla Kiely and 1960’s wallpaper. Using textured wallpapers to create relief printing blocks , the pupils really threw themselves into the spirit of printmaking, inking and printing their creations using water-based inks.

Hampson prints

Year 5 and 6 pupils from Blackrod Primary School were inspired by the lino prints of Roger Hampson during workshops in March. The prints which were displayed at school , formed the basis of some excellent drawings which were later turned into poly prints and engraving. Working with artist Alan Birch, each pupil inked and […]

Landmark Prints

Year 1 pupils from Websters Primary School in Manchester were introduced to the world of print at the Whitworth. Pupils explored the landmarks of Whitworth Park and the route from their school to Manchester. After making drawings, poly prints were made and printed , with all pupils inking and printing their own prints , using […]

Manchester Open

Great to see the work of Simon Rogerson, Claire Groves, Jo Beggs and Kay McIntosh in the exhibition at Home. Good to know that all their hard work has been recognised!

GCSE prints

Students from Hathershaw College in Oldham, developed their drawings into print with artist Alan Birch. Students explored the technique of drypoint, collage and mixed media prints. Some excellent prints were produced. ” Thanks for a great session! ” Louise Mills . Curriculum Leader – Expressive Arts

Return to print

Members of George House Trust in Manchester, spent a morning printing with artist Alan Birch. Having already had a tour of the Whitworth , members looked at printed works from the collection. Some excellent engravings were produced looking at the works of David Hockney, Aubrey Beardsley and others.

Staff prints

Teachers from Catholic secondary schools in Manchester spent the day printing with artist Alan Birch. As part of the Mancep Training Day at Xavarian College, teachers explored a range of printing techniques including engraving, nonprinting, relief printing and collage. Hopefully these techniques will be seen in the classroom.

St John’s Prints.

Brilliant work by the pupils from St Johns Primary School in Longsight. The workshops in conjunction with the Whitworth involved 180 pupils from Reception to Year 2 and referenced the work of Kandinsky, Lucienne Day and Pop Art . Joint prints were also printed at Prospect Studio.It was great to see children and staff getting […]

Our Lady’s Print

Year 5 pupils from Our Ladys and St Anselms Primary School produced some excellent prints based on the work of Roy Lichtenstein. The layered prints involved drawings, engravings, relief printing and text. I was very impressed by their drawing skills.