Charity Work.

Touched by the Tsunami disaster in Japan, Year 3 and 4 pupils from St John’s Primary School in Heaton Mersey, decided to investigate Japan and its geography as part of their Learners Voice project, for Creative Partnerships Manchester and Salford. Pupils used various print media to explore a range of curriculum areas.  Framed prints, Japanese music, earthquake and geological models were just some of the areas covered. Pupils also looked at Manga, bridge building and Japanese culture. Pupils also printed cotton bags and greetings cards which were sold to raise money for the Red Cross Appeal. 750 pounds has been raised so far! A brilliant effort!

“Thank you so much for all the fantastic work you did with the children. The children got so much out of it and really really enjoyed it. Their comments after the project showed how much they enjoyed all the printing and art they did with you.”

Suzanne Daw . Year 3 Teacher. St Johns Primary School,

“Just to say thank you so much for all your inspiration and work in this project. The results are amazing and children and staff alike have enjoyed working with you.”

Becky Wood. Deputy Head . St Johns Primary School.

Large Tsunami print Collograph print. Drypoint print. By Year 3 pupil. St Johns Primary School. Animated earthquake boxes.