Turnpike Prints on show.

Work done by 2 primary schools, 2 secondary school and the art club from the Turnpike Art Gallery in Leigh were exhibited at the Turnpike a alongside the work of Dave Pearson. The prints inspired by Dave’s prints of Customs and Festivals, were produced over 5 days and were curated by Hannah Gaunt, Learning and Engagement Co-ordinator at The Turnpike. Over 200 prints were displayed and complimented the colourful and imaginative work produced by Dave.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Prints displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Lino prints displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Engraving displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Prints displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Prints produced by the art club at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Chine collie print displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Prints displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Engraving displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Print made by objects, displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.

#printmaking #alanbirch #theturnpike #printworkshops #school workshops #primary workshops #secondary workshops

Prints displayed at the Turnpike produced by pupils working with Alan Birch.