Thomas Holford Prints

Over 50 Year 10 pupils from Bishop Thomas Holford College worked with artist Alan Birch producing engravings and collage prints to enhance their GCSE coursework. Alan brought his portable etching press and water based inks into school and showed his work to pupils. Pupils then used their coursework from which to develop drawings for prints and engravings. All pupils produced some excellent drawings which formed a great basis for their  prints. The visit to Bishop Thomas Holford is an annual event as teachers see print as a valuable addition to their coursework.

“Alan hosted a print workshop for us last year, whilst marking our current  GCSE work we were astounded at how many marks the print workshop had helped the pupils to gain. This year Alan worked with our year 10 cohort creating etchings for their component one , we would highly  recommend Alans workshops to any school.”

Natalie Shaw . Head of Art.

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch

Year 10 print workshop at Thomas Holford with printmaker Alan Birch