Printing the City.
Over 100 , soon to be Year 7 Pupils from Manchester Academy spent a day working with teacher Caithy Martin and artist Alan Birch producing art based on the theme of the city as part of the Academy summer school. Pupils began the day looking at the work of Alan Birch, before moving on to make collages using images of prominent buildings in Manchester and Salford. Pupils cut out shapes from buildings and structures to make their own monstrous creation. These collages were then traced onto metallic card plates which were engraved. Pupils then inked their own plates with printing ink, and printed their plates using a portable printing press. Pupils were then asked to give their monsters a name. Upon completion of their prints, pupils were then shown the work of three artists , working in cities Liam Spencer ( Manchester ), Robert Delaunay ( Paris ) and Piet Mondriaan ( New York ). Inspired by their work pupils then chose a building to portray using textured pieces of wallpaper. These pieces of wallpaper were then inked in colour, and printed using the press. Pupils were amazed by the effects of the ink on the relief patterns of the wallpaper. More printing followed with pupils, rummaging through a collection of discarded objects from car boot sales and skips choosing objects with shape and texture from which to print. Pupils used these objects to recreate an iconic building, the textures and patterns loaded with ink and then surface printed by hand. These buildings were printed on very thin newsprint to absorb the ink. Pupils were then shown a wide range of artists work inspired by the city. These artists used the city to make music, recycled materials to make sculptures, made prints from buildings and painted life in the city. One artist Cyprien Galliard constructed the obelisk in Whitworth Park from cast stone taken from the redevelopment of Moss Side and Hulme. Pupils were also given the opportunity to question the artist and make notes in their sketchbooks. The project organised in conjunction with the Whitworth Art Gallery and Manchester Camerata, will see pupils ” graduate ” at the end of the project.Pupils work will be used for the Arts Council Arts Award Bronze scheme.
" As ever, it was a pleasure working with you. The students enjoyed themselves and you pushed them to get the very best out of them Thanks to you and camerata the students are well on the way to gaining their Arts Award." Jane Delfino. Vice Princiopal.

Workshop with Alan Birch

Summer school Manchester Academy

Manchester Academy Summer School printing sessions

Collage and print. Year 7 pupil Manchester Academy.

Summer school Manchester Academy.

Print by Year 7 Manchester Academy

The Etihad Stadium.

Relief print of War Museum North

Summer school Manchester Academy