Preston Prints.
Photography students at Cardinal Newman College in Preston, spent a creative day with printmaker Alan Birch In November. Using ideas from their coursework, students explored a vast range of print techniques including engraving, chine collie and relief printing. The quality of their prints taken from perspex plates was exceptional and they completely engaged with the process.

Workshop with Alan Birch

Student print with Alan Birch

workshop with Alan Birch

Chine colle with Alan Birch

Chine collie print with Alan Birch

Mixed media print with Alan Birch

Chine collie print with Alan Birch

Chine colle and relief print with Alan Birch

Mixed media print with Alan Birch

Series of prints with Alan Birch

Chine collie print with Alan Birch

Engraving on poerspex with Alan Birch
Thanks Alan, our students loved it!. Hopefully we will be in touch soon to arrange another workshop. Thanks! ”
Vanessa Vanessa Norwood Teacher of Graphics and Photography