Plymouth Grove prints
Year 2 and 3 pupils from Plymouth Grove primary School, spent 4 mornings working with artist Alan Birch. The pupils who have been investigating the world of print as part of their coursework based their work on shapes from the wallpaper collection currently on show. Shapes found in the wallpaper of Nikki St Phalle and Cath Kidson were drawn and then cut from a range of textured wallpapers. These were then printed using a portable press and vibrant water based inks. The work produced was excellent and the pupils effort and attitude was exemplary.
” We’ve loved working with you too, and the children got so much out of it!”
Mary Cooper. Stanley Grove Primary School.
“Great session. Well equipped. great ideas to use in the classrooom. Many thanks!”
Year 3 teacher. Stanley Gove Primary School.

Printing from wallpaper with Alan Birch.

Printing from wallpaper with Alan Birch.

Printing from wallpaper with Alan Birch.

Printing from wallpaper with Alan Birch.

Printing from wallpaper with Alan Birch.

Wallpaper from the Whitworth.