Inspired by Morris

Children from St Cuthberts Primary School in Withington worked with artist Alan Birch at the Witworth Art Gallery, to produce a body of vibrant prints. The prints based on a combination of  the textile designs of William Morris and natural forms were transformed into colourful printing blocks and then printed by the children themselves. The works will be displayed at school as an introduction to print.

" We very much enjoyed your workshop.  The children still talk about it and
they are keen to do more printing.  I thought you worked so well with the
children who have such a wide range of needs. You made sure they could all
see, participate and gave them lots of friendly encouragement. The session
was very well organised and the children were always busy.  The prints
themselves are fantastic and the children were very proud of the work they
created." ( Sandra Burgess - class teacher. )


Birds and leaves taken from William Morris

Relief print inspired by Morris.