Age Friendly Printing.
Members of the Age Friendly Art Group at the Whitworth spent two creative afternoons with artist Alan Birch making chine colle engravings and monoprints. The photographic exhibition by John Stezaker, inspired the surreal engravings whilst paintings and drawings by Cecily Brown formed the starting point for the monoprints. For the monoprints artists used masterworks from the Whitworth’s collection to investigate, record and eventually dismantle.

Adult mono printing at Whitworth art gallery

Adult mono printing at Whitworth art gallery

Adult mono printing at Whitworth art gallery

John Stezaker photograph.

Inspired by John Stezaker

Chine colle engraving with Age Friendly Group

Print workshop with Alan Birch

Chine collie with Alan Birch

Print workshop with Alan Birch

Surreal encounter print