Age Friendly Prints

Members of age friendly arts programme at the Whitworth Art Gallery, were introduced to a variety of printmaking techniques,during a 3 week residency programme. in the first session,  artists produced a range of relief and monoprints inspired the work of Gillian Ayres and the Whitworth garden. During the second week . reduction lino cuts, inspired by the current exhibition of wallpapers from the Whitworths collection were produced whilst in the final session drypoints were printed inspired by the current show of Goya’s prints. The quality of the prints were excellent, and would grace many an exhibition.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#alanbirch #printmaking #drypoint #goya #whitworth #printworkshop

Drypoint print workshop with Alan Birch at Whitworth.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Selection of prints inspired by garden at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Relief print inspired by the garden at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Mono print inspired by natural forms at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Mono print inspired by the garden at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Relief print inspired by natural forms at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Mono print inspired by natural forms and garden at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Relief print inspired by wallpaper at Whitworth with Alan Birch.

#age friendly #printing #print workshop #whitworth #alanbirch#adult printmaking

Relief print inspired by wallpaper at Whitworth with Alan Birch.