10th Birthday!
Prospect Studios will celebrate their tenth year in the Rossendale Valley over the weekend of 4th and 5th of October. The studios will be open over the weekend from 11-4 with artists Alan Birch, Jill Randall and Liam Spencer exhibiting their work. Work will be for sale and all artists will be in residence to chat to visitors. Visitors can park outside the studios and entrance is free. As with other Reveal arts events, other studios and creative venues will open their doors on the same weekend. To mark the tenth anniversary, Alan Birch will be offering 10% discount on all work over £10. REVEAL OPEN STUDIO EVENT 4th – 5th OCTOBER 2014 ( 11.00-17.00 ) PROSPECT STUDIO 10th BIRTHDAY PARTY Hi all Just a reminder to let you know that I will be showing my work as part of the Reveal on the weekend of 4th and 5th of October 2014 in Waterfoot , Rossendale, Lancs. I will be showing a selection of Contemporary Saints, a series of 80 prints to be shown in the Reading Room at John Rylands Library in Manchester in early 2015. Other work will feature digital montages on the theme of monsters and some new experiments with Lino! All work will be for sale , many at Bargain prices! So it would be great to see you there: talk through the work, catch up, chat about the workshops in the studio and print sessions in schools and galleries. Me, Liam Spencer and Jill Randall will be showing and selling our work and will be in attendance on both days. If all goes well Jill, Alan and Liam will hopefully be auctioning a limited edition box set of 3 prints ( 10 boxes in number ) to raise money for a local charity the Rosssendale Rays ( special needs swimming ). Tickets can be purchased by non attenders in advance by contacting Alan Birch on www.alanbirch.co.uk *** We also are holding a birthday event at Prospect on Saturday evening 17.00-20.00. *** For more information visit. facebook.com/groups/revealopenstudios www.alanbirch.co.uk Hope to see you there Best wishes Alan If you require more information do get in touch

Monoprint by Alan Birch 2014

Latter day saint by Alan Birch